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we've got traffic we need medical assistance here we have three injured people this is a test one with a head trauma and two minor injury under the nearest police department or something try and flag some cop on the road down. 

I have no idea um smoke signals I would um get it on Wi-Fi and email to someone so everything is down pretty much smoke signals smoke signals. 

I mean yeah okay player who's talking smoke see yell really loud start burning everything then I'll see smoke and then we'll come fly well i would probably.

i've noticed maybe run to where they were at or if that wasn't possible maybe just yell for help or something well if there's no phones and we can't really do anything

I'd probably scream and yell for someone I got big lungs um depends on how close

they are married a run and go get him tell people just make a phone line telephone you know pass it on that for sure yeah if I could benefit me an emergency. yeah sure uh yeah i mean i think i would just because if that's the only thing that was working yeah hey that would be awesome oh I most definitely would oh yeah if it wasn't like a million dollars.

of course oh yeah I've just heard of it I don't know what it is no no what's ham radio yeah half

you guys that I loved by my hometown has it I know that you have to have like a really big antenna and like you can access like way far away rat than regular just like a ham radio.

it's like broadcasting further yeah well you don't necessarily have a big antenna okay he has to know kind of not really like I've heard it before but I don't know what is I've heard of it in scouts but I haven't really done anything with you oh so you don't know anything about it we were used to pass health and welfare be the eyes in the ears for the police departments Johnson or n7 dnd to his friends was at home in bountiful when he got the call from the

Davis County Sheriff yesterday morning communications were breaking down because of all the commotion and the sheriff was wondering if some ham radio operators could help get messages through to emergency personnel within no time Johnson had 18 volunteers who were staffed at cities throughout Davis

County to have those ham radio operators on call and even in our radio room was a tremendous asset for us radio system was saturated we were at the maximum the lines were so maxed out sometimes dispatchers could respond to police right away he is very scary for the dispatchers to push the button and not be able to talk for three minutes which is why ham radio operators were called in to keep communications going for Johnson

it was an all-day job but one that kept them smiling every single minute of it he knew his team made a difference we trained for days we live for days like this this is some of the most excitement that we can have and ham radio operators in the area trained every single week and they have a general meeting once a month it is all volunteers

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